HTML Anchor (Hyperlinks)

The anchor element is used to create hyperlinks. Be sure to provide the correct URL. Also notice that the user must be provided with a hyperlink–something to click on! This can be text or an image.

<a href="">UTMartin</a>


Two Types of Addresses

The example provided above uses an absolute address; in other words, the full path to the file is provided. However, if the hyperlink is referring to a file on the same server, a relative address might be more appropriate. A relative address simply lists the file name; sometimes the folder may be specified.

Note that this demonstration does not actually work.

<a href="DrFoltz.html">Dr. Foltz</a>

Dr. Foltz

Block Anchor

In HTML5, an entire block element such as a paragraph can be used as an anchor.

E-Mail Hyperlinks

A hyperlink can open the default email software on a computer.

Note that this demonstration does not actually work.

<a href=">Email a fake address</a>

Email a fake address

Telephone Hyperlinks

Hyperlinks can also place telephone calls (assuming the page is being viewed on a telephone).

Note that this demonstration does not actually work.

<a href="tel:1234567890">Call me</a>

Call me

Target Attribute

The anchor statement also accepts the target attribute. The target attribute accepts values of _blank, _self, _parent, and _top. These control where the page opens; _self is the default and opens in the same window. _blank opens a new window or tab, while _parent opens in the parent window. _top causes the hyperlink to open in the main body of the window.


The anchor statement, combined with the ID attribute, can be used to create bookmarks, or hyperlinks within a document. These are useful for creating a table of contents or a "return to top" link.

In the body of the document, simply create an element with an ID. For example,

<h1 id="ch1">

Next, create a hyperlink to that ID.

<a href="#ch1">Chapter One</a>

Of course the hyperlink is typically placed at the top of the document.